Thursday, 9 August 2012

2nd Draft done

It's been a slow since over a year ago I've managed to complete the second draft of the story. I did this in a new program called SCRIVENER which I've found quite user friendly for comic scripts. I also wrote the first draft of a DJ course using a different SCRIVENER template and it worked out well.

To push myself to re-write the 2nd draft, I entered the SCRIPT FRENZY challenge and completed it!

The actual comic is around 18 pages in now. Chris and Ben have been super busy on other stuff so progress has been slow. I'm hoping to release part 1 of around 25-30 pages by the end of the year. It will probably be a free PDF just to get it out. The future plan is to get a LTD print run going with some added stuff. I may even go the INDIE-GO-GO crowd funding route depending on the level of interest.

BWTF has spawned a CD compilation. It's called UNDERGROUND and is a 2CD set being released in Aug/Sep 2012 through EMI. The idea and tracklisting came from writing the story and all the music is era specific. More once it's released. I'll be planting (read hiding) some BWTF references.

My new homepage has more on the album.

Please follow BWTF progress by following this blog or my above wordpress site.




Posted via email from Boy With the Filters