Promised the next one would be drawn...
I have an opportunity to use the mac and learn how to use a proper program, but I'm having such fun mesing around with PAINT I think I'll wait until I need to something it can't do.
Here I wanted to try a comic feel and found this really cool picture taken in some Capetown nightclub in the 60s by Billy Monk (Mahala ran a story about him). I did a rough trace, inked and scanned it and then filled in the colour.
It worked so well, I'm going to try and draw my own short comic strip in the same style. My comic script BOY WITH THE FILTERS is currently being drawn by Chris Moon, Ben Raush and Anja Venter. I'm going to add in another dream sequence and try and draw it myself.
Look out for the 20 YEAR RULE mix coming closer to the party. It's REFORM style but current.
We generally play nothing after 1983 so this is just a way to have a some fun. In 2031 we would technically be playing music up to 2011.
Notice that charles has hair and special X-Ray glasses. We both have smooth skin and I still can't dance (or dress)